
I just want to give you all some of my favorite & free resources that I love! They have helped and continue to help me in my walk with Christ. And honestly, you can’t beat free.

The Bible Project– this website gives plenty of videos and podcasts to listen to (for free), to help people experience the Bible as a unified story that leads to Jesus. Did I mention it was free?

Biblical Training I love this website, too! I used it with a small group that focused on why we as believers trust our Bible. There is so much more on this website ranging from apologetics to evangelism and much more. All you have to do is make a log in & you’re able to view and access all of this!

Bible Hub & Blue Letter Bible– These websites are great tools to read scripture in a variety of different versions. They also provide commentary and even different languages (Greek & Hebrew)! & guess what? They’re free!

Desiring God– Desiring God is such an informative tool! John Piper is the founder of this and along side of him, there are plenty of great authors, preachers, and the like that contributes pieces to his site! The site has devotionals, sermons, book recommendations, and more! Another great and free tool!

These are just a few for now, but I plan to continue to add and update whenever I hear of something new, true, and beneficial for our walk with Christ!

Also, if you can’t tell… I love free resources. But I mean, who doesn’t?